“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” Those words spoken to us by Ferris Bueller ring even truer today than they did back in 1986.
That’s the lead in to tonight’s post for #25DaysofJoy.
My wife and I were talking today about topics for today’s post (because I conceived #25DaysofJoy on December 1, I need to write daily), and she suggested I write about our Life Group. Life Group, is a small group from our church that meets once every two weeks, to discuss life. Both my wife and I are so happy that we have been welcomed with such open arms into this group.
As my wife and I conversed, it became obvious to me, that I needed to write about the importance of the little things in life that make a huge difference in ways we may never realize. How small decisions can change our lives if we let them. And the value taking some time to reflect on our journey.
Like every thing in life, you are going to get out of this what you put in to it. So read what comes with an open mind, a happy attitude, and a smile in your heart.
To illustrate to points that I defined above, I want to tell you a story. The story of how we came to join our Life Group begins with a left instead of a right.
One Sunday in early January of 2019, I went to the rest room before Church services began. It was not unusual but on this particular day, instead of going right to walk back to my seat, I went left. This meant I would need to walk in front on the entire congregation rather than behind it as was my custom.
A friend of my wife saw me approaching and basically accosted me. “You’re coming to our Bible study aren’t you? Your wife says you’re coming.”, she said.
Now I barely knew this woman and I had only spoken to her once to twice before. But how was I going to say no in front of people. And I couldn’t lie to her in church, say I was going to attend, and just not show up.
So I went to the Bible study each week for 10 weeks. And then I was invited to the next one. So I went again. A few weeks after the second Bible study ended, I received an email from the leader of the two Bible studies, inviting me to the Life Group.
During the course of the year, I have come to know the members of our group fairly well. Collectively we have seen, a foster child removed, returned, and then adopted. We experienced a birth, surgeries, depression, and a whole gambit of other things. Best of all, we’ve made some very good friends.
All of this, because I made a left when I should have made a right one Sunday morning.
I’m sure everyone, upon some reflection, can find some little moments that seem ordinary, yet have lead to extraordinary outcomes.
This is a great time to take stock of your year. Think about the little things that have happened and smile because they were.
Don’t spend too much time ruminating about the past though. Go out and make more of those tiny magic moments.