Question of the Day
What’s something you wish you could unlearn?
Thought of the Day
The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it.
J.M. Barrie
Let’s talk about doubt. Not the healthy kind that keeps us from walking into a lion’s den, but the insidious kind that sneaks into your mind and clips your wings before you even try to fly. That quiet whisper of “Are you sure you’re good enough?” or “What if you fail?” — it’s subtle, but powerful enough to ground you indefinitely.
J.M. Barrie nailed it. Doubt isn’t just a passing thought; it’s a permission slip you give yourself to stop believing in magic. It’s the invisible weight that keeps you from taking off. And the cruel irony? It often shows up when you’re closest to doing something extraordinary.
Think back to a time when you really believed in something — an idea, a goal, or even yourself. You were unstoppable, weren’t you? You could practically feel the wind beneath your wings. But then, doubt. Maybe someone questioned your dream, or maybe you did it to yourself. Either way, that doubt didn’t just slow you down — it stopped you entirely.
What if you hadn’t let it? What if you had kept flying, even if it felt risky, even if it meant looking foolish or failing? Would you have reached your destination? I’d bet good money you would’ve gotten a hell of a lot closer than you did by sitting it out.
Which brings me to today’s Question of the Day: What’s something you wish you could unlearn?
I love this question because we talk a lot about what we wish we knew, but unlearning can be even more powerful. There’s a difference between knowledge and baggage. What ideas, beliefs, or behaviors are weighing you down? What would you let go of if you could? What if you unlearned that you aren’t good enough or that it’s too late to start something new? What if you unlearned the fear of failure?
Personally, I’d love to unlearn the idea that success has a strict timeline. It doesn’t. There’s no expiration date on trying. We’re so conditioned to believe that if we don’t hit certain milestones by a certain age, we’re behind. But what if that’s just a story we’ve been told? What if it’s not true?
Imagine the freedom of rewriting your mental scripts. Imagine what you could accomplish if you let go of limiting beliefs that no longer serve you. Unlearning might be the closest thing we have to magic. It’s how you reclaim your ability to fly.
So, what’s weighing you down? What’s keeping you grounded? What’s something you wish you could unlearn?
Because the moment you stop doubting that you can fly… you’re already halfway in the air.
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