Wow what a year 2020 has been so far. In the first six months, we’ve seen Covid-19 run rampant, murder hornets, protests, police brutality, and The Tiger King to name of few of the challenges. Now, it seems that flying snakes are a thing. (Really
2020 has certainly been a challenging year no matter who you are. But this isn’t how it was supposed to be. This was supposed to be our year – 20/20 vision. Everything was supposed to be crystal clear.
The truth is, our world is upside down. Who knows when or if we will get back to any sort of normal as we previously knew it. As topsy turvy as things have been, our world keeps moving forward.
The sun still rises and sets. The moon and the tides still wax and wane. The winds still blow and rain still falls. Humanity still soldiers.
I don’t know your struggles but I know you have them. We all have them.
As we enter the second half of the year, remember, you are not fighting alone. You are never fighting the battle alone and there is always something worth fighting for.
Let’s do this together. If you think I can help with your struggles or just want someone to walk and talk with for a while, drop me a line.
God Bless.