The past few weeks, and probably months, I’ve been feeling like something is off. I haven’t been able to place my finger on it. But I think, I’ve been feeling overwhelmed by many things only partially related to the Covid virus.
I know I’m not the only one feeling overwhelmed and stressed because of the current state of our country. I see posts all over social media about it. And as if 2020 hadn’t kicked us in the nuts enough with this virus and everything related, it decided to take away beloved Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg just before a very volatile Presidential Election. There was more, but I this is not the post to debate it.
Bottom line, the past week just piled on to the shit show that is 2020.
Crazy ideas for all sorts have been darting in and out of my mind. Some days I can focus long enough to string a few sentences together. Most days, I’m left with incomplete thoughts and inane babble.
Something that has been weighing on my mind is wanting to do something for the community to make people smile. I see things on social media and occasionally the news (I’ve been trying to cut back on TV).
Now, I have a one year old son whom I enjoy (this kid is the kind rich people try to design in a lab) and I don’t want to take time away from him or my wife. My wife and I both work full time and our son is in preschool, so time together is precious.
I’d been thinking, maybe I can do some sort of fundraiser for the community center where I work. What could I do? What value could I bring to the community to rally support? Would people like or support anything I do?
A brainstorming session lead me to a cockamamie idea. I knew I was going to need approval and support for this endeavor so I approached my wife.
I said to her, “I had an idea today but I need your permission.” She was all sorts of worried when I said I needed her permission. (We always tell each other when we’re planning something big or small). After I explained the idea, she was 100% on board.
This was my idea:
From October 1 until Election Day, stand on the street corner for an hour or so holding a sign with a simple message. Something like, “Have a great day.” or “Good Morning”
The best part, I can do it early in the morning before my son wakes(6-6:30am) up or after he goes to sleep(7pm). I don’t need to take time away from my family time.
The idea may sound silly or foolish to some folks. Thanks ok by me. I just want to brighten someone’s day.
Have you done anything inspiring to support your community during the past few months? I would love to hear about it. Comment on this post or tag me on twitter @kbkaus Instagram @kbkaus Facebook Use #communityisfamily
Hi Ken,
I love seeing you every morning at the corner of Rt. 206 and Somerset St. as I go to visit Bagels-4-U. I always return my small shopping cart from my car to under the overhang at Shop Rite because I know some smaller laddies, such as myself, like the smaller shopping carts. I also give each of the staff member of Bagels-4-Us a $20.00 gift at both Christmas and Labor Day. They are like my family as I don’t have any children or other close relatives. I wonder if you have some sort of support group, maybe on Zoom? Please respond to my email address below.
Ken you are an inspiration! It makes me smile every morning to see your post. You are a shining example of kindness in our community!!