Question of the Day
What’s a smell you can’t stand?
Thought of the Day
The danger comes when we look at a day squandered and conclude that no harm has been done. Jim Rohn
Even youths grow tired and weary...
What’s a smell you can’t stand?
The danger comes when we look at a day squandered and conclude that no harm has been done. Jim Rohn
What are your plans for New Year’s Eve?
The secret recipe doesn’t matter.
What’s the most underrated holiday song, and why does it deserve more love?
It’s Christmas Eve. A time for miracles, so be of good cheer. Hans Gruber
What’s a tradition you’ve outgrown, and what have you replaced it with?
Look at every path closely. Then ask yourself, and yourself alone, the question: does this path have a heart? Carlos Castaneda
What is something you appreciate about your boss?
Compete for yourself and root for everybody else. -Candice Millard
What type of architecture do you love?
The loftier the building, the deeper the foundation must be laid. Thomas à Kempis