Question of the Day
What horror movie villain would you team up with?
Thought of the Day
Sometimes, the darkness is a gift. It hides what we’re not yet ready to face.
Even youths grow tired and weary...
What horror movie villain would you team up with?
Sometimes, the darkness is a gift. It hides what we’re not yet ready to face.
If you had to spend a night alone in a haunted house, what would be your survival plan?
“Fear has many eyes and can see things underground.” — Miguel de Cervantes
If you could bring one famous monster or villain to life, who would it be and why?
It’s about choosing the ultimate goal over the immediate goal.
What’s your least favorite candy?
There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it. -Alfred Hitchcock
What’s the scariest movie you’ve ever seen, and what made it so frightening?
Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win. — Stephen King
Where would you time-travel, if you were forced to travel and live out your days?
There is more hunger for love and appreciation in the world than for bread. Mother Teresa.