Question of the Day
What defunct restaurant from your childhood would you like to see make a comeback?
Thought of the Day
While you’re mourning the chance you didn’t get, you’re cheating the opportunity you did.
Even youths grow tired and weary...
What defunct restaurant from your childhood would you like to see make a comeback?
While you’re mourning the chance you didn’t get, you’re cheating the opportunity you did.
If you could be any plant, what would you choose to be and why?
Good timber does not grow with ease, the stronger wind, the stronger trees… Douglas Malloch, Good Timber
What’s a word or phrase that instantly makes you laugh?
Where kindness grows shadows lose their way.
What’s a dream you’ve abandoned?
What’s a dream you’ve abandoned?
Question of the Day How are you starting the week on a positive note? Thought of the Day It is more necessary for the soul to be cured than the body; for it is better to die than to live badly. Musonius Rufus There’s a certain weight to Musonius Rufus’s words—the kind of wisdom that […]
What’s something you’ve said to someone that you wish you hadn’t?
If someone asks for an honest opinion, double-check to make sure they really want one.