Question of the Day
What’s the best way to start a conversation with a stranger?
Thought of the Day
I begin to speak only when I’m certain what I’ll say isn’t better left unsaid. Cato
Even youths grow tired and weary...
What’s the best way to start a conversation with a stranger?
I begin to speak only when I’m certain what I’ll say isn’t better left unsaid. Cato
What makes a day really lousy?
When you’re like everyone else, you’re replaceable.
Do you prefer comfort or convenience?
Win the Moment. Win the Day. Win Your Life.
What sport do you love watching and who it your favorite team?
Falling short today—it does not have to mean that everything is falling apart.
How different would the United States and the world be if Hillary Clinton had won the Presidential Election?
If there is no wind, row. Latin Adage
What place or places did you love, but you just don’t fit in there any more?
I am not locked in here with you. You are locked in here with ME. -Bruce Lee