Will you be ready when the world reopens? The seminal quote from Chaos Theorist Dr. Ian Malcom about life is fiction. Fiction in the sense that Dr. Malcom is a fictional character created by Author Michael Crichton. It’s true though. Life finds a way through every single time. No matter what. Many of us are […]
Rocks and Swords
Last week, I read something about rocks and sword fights. How do you bring rocks to a sword fight and hope to win? What I had read was one sentence, “David bought a rock to a sword fight.” It was a reference to the Biblical story of the shepherd boy David going out to face […]
Let’s Keep Persevering
Wow what a year 2020 has been so far. In the first six months, we’ve seen Covid-19 run rampant, murder hornets, protests, police brutality, and The Tiger King to name of few of the challenges. Now, it seems that flying snakes are a thing. (Really https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/30/world/flying-snakes-movement-study-scli-intl-scn/index.html) 2020 has certainly been a challenging year no matter […]
My New Normal
A few weeks ago in a post I titled, The First of Quarantine Entries, I wrote how “I refuse to call it the “new normal”. “ What I wrote previously, I hold true to,(read it here) but I have come to enjoy other things that have become my family’s normal. Things I didn’t even know […]
Welcome May
Please be mindful of other people. Respect goes both ways and everyone has been dealing with things we have never dealt with before.
The World Is Sick and It’s Healthier Than It’s Been In Years.
The world is sick but not in the way you think. It was Monday, March 16 when we got the word. Work, which we had hoped would reopen the seventeenth, would be closed for two weeks. That deadline has come and gone with no reopen date in sight. In fact, most of our country […]