Question of the Day
How do you plan on disappointing people in 2025?
Thought of the Day
Loyalty must be given before it’s earned.
Loyalty in Advance
Loyalty is a peculiar thing, isn’t it? We often expect it to be handed to us fully formed, like a trophy on a shelf, without recognizing the delicate investment it requires. The truth is, loyalty is like planting a seed. You’ve got to water it, nurture it, and protect it from the weeds of distrust and neglect long before you see anything sprout.
Sometimes, we hold back our loyalty, waiting for proof that someone is worthy. But what if the very act of withholding is what prevents the proof from ever arriving? Trust isn’t always a matter of reciprocity; it’s a gamble on hope. It’s giving someone your trust first and believing they’ll rise to meet it. Sure, it might burn you once or twice, but the times it blooms? Those are worth every singe.
If you want loyalty in your corner, you have to go first. Offer it genuinely, without strings, and watch what happens. You might be surprised by the people who rise to the occasion—and the relationships that grow stronger as a result.
Plans for Disappointment?
As we tiptoe into 2025, I have a question for you: How do you plan on disappointing people this year?
It’s a strange question, but let’s face it, disappointment is unavoidable. You can’t meet everyone’s expectations, and honestly, trying to do so will only lead to losing yourself. Sometimes, the healthiest thing you can do is choose who you’re willing to disappoint.
Maybe it’s saying no to that project at work so you can say yes to your family. Maybe it’s turning down an invitation to an event because your mental health deserves a quiet evening. Disappointment isn’t the villain here; neglecting your priorities is.
So, how will you disappoint people this year? My hope is that you’ll do it deliberately, in ways that honor the life you want to build. If you have to let someone down, let it be in service of something greater—your values, your growth, your peace.
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