Have you ever thought about making a change in you life? I’m sure you’ve heard platitudes like, if you always do what you’ve always done…
Those cliche sayings are right but creating a new habit, like exercising regularly or eating healthy can feel daunting. Changing yourself hurts. Thinking about all the changes I want to see in myself is giving me some anxiety as I write this.
The thing about most of those “change” statements, is they make you feel like you need to go big or go home.
Changing your mindset can be much simpler and much more fun than you would think.
Try changing one small thing about yourself. I know what you’re thinking but hear me out. Try changing the way you write a number or a letter. Do you cross your Ts from left to right or right to left (I bet you don’t know which way you do it)? Try doing it the other way for a week or a month. Brush your teeth with the opposite hand (this one is difficult).
My point is, pick something small and change it. You’d be amazed at how difficult it is to remember to write a 2 with a loop verse a straight bottom. What it does thought, is to force you in to being more mindful of little things that you take for granted.
When you’re more conscious of those little things, you begin to see bigger changes you can make and the bigger changes don’t seem as difficult. Learning to do task with your off hand, will create cognitive changes in your brain(so I understand but I’m no scientist), but also help if you lose use of your dominate hand to an injury like a broken arm.
Want to change the world? Change the way you draw a circle.
What kinds of things do you think you can change about what you do?